Needles, Wool, Mistakes, Advice and the One Tip - Vicki Harrison from At The Patch Creations

1. How did you discover needle felting, what inspired you to have a go and what was the first thing you made?
I brought my niece a kit for Christmas and kept looking at it, I was desperate to have a go.
The kit never made it to her stocking and I have been addicted since.
My first make was a rabbit, I used the wool from the kit and although I didn’t use the design, the booklet was informative for the basics.
2. Do you have a favourite needle felting artist whose work you follow?
Mikaela Bartlett felt, an absolute star.
3. Which projects do you find the trickiest and what has been the hardest thing to learn?
Claws , toes , fingers can be incredibly tricky especially on small items.
4. What are your favourite needles to use?
I don’t really have a favourite. I tend to work down the sizes to firm up my work.
5. What is your favourite type of wool to work with?
I love Cheviot bat for my core wool. I'm a fan of Shetland and Corriedale but mainly use carded wool.
6. What is the worst piece of advice you keep hearing for needle felters?
To use polystyrene as a core.
7. What common mistakes do people make when they start out?
Buying the wrong wool, 50 bags of coloured merino is incredibly tempting but not the best for a beginner to felt with.
8. What is the one thing a beginner could learn today that would make a difference to their work?
Don’t be to critical of your work. You will be better than some and worse than others , enjoy the process of felting and know the more you do the better you will become
About the artist:
To find her creations, you may click the links below:
Facebook: At the Patch Creations
Instagram: @atthepatch