Needles, Wool, Mistakes, Advice and the One Tip - Lisa Moore from Felts Forever

1. What are your favourite needles to use?
I love the felt alive needles from the USA they are a guilty pleasure. I use a lot of 40 triangle for my workshops and in my kits as I find they are a good beginners needle. Stars and spirals are what I generally use, size depends on project. And of course the felt box.
2. What is your favourite type of wool to work with?
White faced woodland for my core, Bergchaf, Norwegian and Jacob for the rest. But I do source out special wools if I need a certain texture or colour.
3. What is the worst piece of advice you keep hearing for needle felters?
Mmmmm, usually using the wrong wool for 3D Felting like merino. That would have put me off Felting forever!
4. What common mistakes do people make when they start out?
Using the wrong wool definitely, so many beginners use merino or other fine fibres, start with a coarser one like Bergchaf. Not stabbing the core firm enough and stabbing like mad in the same area. Where wool in concerned less is more.
5. What is the one thing a beginner could learn today that would make a difference to their work?
Don’t give up, don’t expect it to look like what you want it to be straightaway, legit morph. A couple of stabs can make all the difference. Put it down if you are struggling then go back to it later, you will see it with fresh eyes. Enjoy it and watch your fingers!
About the artist:She run workshops and do talks all over the north west of England. She loves creating fantasy pieces and will be being featured in the new Needle felting Magazine in Summer.